Ah, the life.. It's Saturday. These late summer days are fleeting. Golden & dusty. It's one of those warm lazy afternoons. I'm sitting at the kitchen table, doin' nothing, (well, I'm typing), but mostly just sitting & listening to Saticoy, & the crickets chirping through open windows. The sound of my younger brother's crayons coloring steadily on a Spongebob-Square-Pants themed coloring book, tickles my ears. It's a beautiful day. A light breeze is blowing through the house, it unsettles the flies that have evaded my flyswatter for the past hour...
Lately, I've been trying to embrace each moment that God has given us. Trying not to let time slip by & having regrets later, but simply celebrating the present time & making memories to hold on to for later. I am so thankful for the life I have been given. I'm so glad to be me, to live where I live, to do what I do... What a blessing the simplicity of life is. Fighting the good fight from home. Building the kingdom. We should always do what we do, not for man, but for the glory of our Heavenly Father. When we work each day, or teach, study, drive, wash dishes; everything we do, God has ordained. Thank you Lord for life. For family. For friends. For work. For seasons. For change.
"God intends to give us what we need, not what we now think we want." So as busy or uneventful as your life is, remember, that everything happens for a purpose, & that all things ultimately work for the good of those who love Him. (Rom. 8:28)

So often, we tend to lose ourselves & Christ in the busyness of life. We are so prone to forget, doubt, & distraction. When was the last time you turned your phone or computer off to study scripture? Or took a walk in the crisp morning air? Or didn't go anywhere? Sat on your front porch to watch the sun set? Enjoy the ordinary blessings & miracles of life, that are so often overlooked. We are so blessed, as people, & as a nation. But we have lived in gross defiance of God & His law & are now seeing our liberties disappear like a mist before the morning sun. We need to run back to Jesus. We need to repent, & pray that God will judge us not to destruction, but to repentance. We still have so much freedom that is taken for granted. There are times when we should step back from our busy lives & let the world spin madly on. The world won't even notice. We must step back to be still & meditate on our God. As we assess the sins & the strugles of our lives, we must confess them to God & rely solely on Him for deliverance. Praying for ourselves & our leaders... Drawing close to God in meditation is an important part of the Christian life & should be precious time for us! When Jesus walked the earth 2,000+ years ago, he would spend long hours withdrawn from the crowds, in communion, prayer & meditation with HIS Heavenly Father. When life gets hectic, (I know from experience) sometimes it's hard to find the time to read. You just have to strap on the seatbelt & hang on for the ride. But all throughout the day, no matter where you are, or what you may be doing, you can fight for Christ. You can talk to God. He will listen to you. You can pray.